Promote across Channels
Shopify Integration
Start building loyal communities with targeted, gated offers.
goertify has a native integration with Shopify. This allows you to easily promote Gocertify offers across your Shopify site. To install your shopify app follow the Shopify Specific instructions in Integrate on Site. We also can connect directly to your Shopify discounts to create unique codes for each shopper.
Once installed you will be able to see the following Gocertify blocks in your Shopify builder:
- iFrame block: add a Gocertify landing pages to your site
- OfferHub block: lets you drag and drop OfferHub on site
- On-Site Message block: lets you add inline OSM messages to your site.
Other types of OSM (floating button, sticky bar etc) can all be enabled directly from the Gocertify dashboard as usual without the need to add any additional blocks.
gocertify blocks can be added directly to your site using the Shopify builder