When a shopper submits their email and/or mobile number, gocertify will send this data to the your Dotdigital account in the form of a gocertify event. This is represented by a “Profile” (either augmenting an existing one or creating a new one).

As the shopper goes on to successfully verify as a target group (student, healthcare, senior, etc) another “Event” will be triggered, gocertify will update the Contact, setting a new field called GC_{{VERIFIED_GROUP}}_AT with the current date in IS08601 format. We will create as many fields to the Contact object as needed according to the campaigns set with gocertify and use the “group_verification” from boththe Parent Group and the Child Group. For example, if you are running a Military campaign, you will see 2 fields:


With this data, you will be able to generate segments based on these events.

gocertify is going to truncate the verified group to 14 characters, because we can’t create a data field in Dotdigital larger than 20 characters.

Requirements to go live

To go live with dotdigital you will need to create an API user and share the details with gocertify.

How data will appear in Dotdigital

Once the user shares their information with your brand and the user confirms the subscription request (verified double Opt-in option), you will see a new contact in your base, with the email and mobile_number (if it’s shared) and the respective Opt-in option.

Example of a Dotdigital user created by gocertify

After the user verifies themself, gocertify will update the contact in your base, adding as many GC_XXXX_AT data fields as needed, with the current date in ISO8601 format.

You will see something like this:

Note that we will use uppercase and underscores for the data field name (ie: “KEY_WORKER” instead of “Key Worker”)

Example of a Dotdigital user with the respective GC_XXXX_AT fields

How to create segments in Dotdigital

Once you start receiving data from gocertify, you will be able to set all the Segments you desire.

In the side menu, go to “Audience” > “Segments” and then follow the steps to create a new segment based on the data fields created by gocertify.